How to see your phone usage statistics
So hello friends welcome back once again to this new article in this i tell how to see our mobile analysis abut apps, and how many times we used phone in a day in additionally we get entire usage statistics about any smartphone functions details it is an most informative and interesting app to know our usage from past year data, find high time spending apps, get any info in seconds that you never seen before How to see your phone usage statistics.
How to see your phone usage statistics :
- so regularly we use mobiles and spend more time in that in free time with out talking to anybody else.
- most of the people put the lock on device for security purpose because no one access their phone.
- commonly in many times we will lock and unlock our phone in multiple times but exactly we dont know the correct number of unlocking.
- if you have a curiosity see how many times unlocked device in a year or else for one day we can check out it by applying some trick.
- in additionally daily we open generally whatsapp, instagram, twitter and many other apps but we cant guess how many times spending in those apps.
- after you seeing this information analysis surely you will shocked with the live results friends.
- to see this details we should do something in our phone i’ll be there here you to explain about it.
we require any application :
- usually in our devices the statistics which is about apps usage will able to see.
- it not gives the total right analysis and some changes and not exact information regarding data not appear.
- in additionally we cant able to see mobile lock times and most spending apps and many other features.
- but with the support of one interesting application will get the information accurately and correctly with out any back step.
- Vignesh Marimuthu is the owner and founder of this wonderful useful application.
- Dec 15, 2024 it is bringed up in to playstore platform in one month near only they succeeded very well.
- it works perfectly and fastly that why the downloaders of it crossed more than this five lakh users in month.
- going awesomely in playstore with the 4.3 star ratings and completed 1k plus comments which all in appreciative way only.
- our android phone must have over 7.0 version which every one devices coming now in market with higher versions only.
installation process :
- that every one knows how can the new application installed our mobiles.
- so who dont know which app is used to download for those iam telling to open the playstore which generally haves in google apps folder.
- it seen like play button of music pause and play type icon friends.
- while entering in we should turn on our data network for loading and installation purpose friends.
- when the page loaded and showing many apps on screen at that time press searching tool which appears in middle of bottom.
- if you would press it then keyboard will renders in same place.
- overally in that you need to type the Time Wise : Year Wrapped name and keep searching it friends.
- in seconds of time it loads infront of us with adding install button, we just click and wait the install.
- up to 100 percent wait while installing or else it will cancelled to download.
- once the installation completes in below i have told all things to do in next.
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see phone usage details :
- it would downloaded very fastly because it has very less size.
- so at starting 2024 digital well being wrapped page appears with continue option.
- then usage access permission will asked to continue furtherly.
- after accepting the requirement you should get back again in to app.
- then your 2024 previous year report is ready now shows.
- in down side of view report button is given to see our total activities what done in a year on mobile.
- which app that you used mostly in year will displays with correct hours.
- here in beginning step you’ll know app analysis next swipe the middle screen towards left side.
- top 5 most used apps will renders with this info we can assume that how much we are wasting our time with mobile.
- if it is good thing purpose then its ok but it is bad then change your habits with device usage guys.
- Again scroll screen and see how much of your valuable time spended with phone.
Conclusion about phone usage statistics application :
- it will calculates with perfect examples like in that time what can be done.
- once you would swiped it then on an average unlock phone times per day shows.
- how many messages getting on a day that you could hear sound every day.
- this is method to check our analysis and seeing them you’ll get an idea to stop wasting time with device.
- hope you learn complete process that how app works in our mobile.
- in little down of this para you’ll see second counting’s started.
- wait untill it comes to 0 then click here option will appears by moving it directly takes to installation page.